Toolbelt Web Exporter


Simple model exporter for Toolbelt Web


Navigate to The Toolbelt tab in Revit

Once successfully installed, a Toolbelt tab will be added to your Revit ribbon. Under the Toolbelt tab you will find the Web Exporter.


Launch the Toolbelt Web interface

By clicking on the WEB button with the Toolbelt icon.


A. Select View

Select a 3d View from a list of views in the file.


B. Export

Click “EXPORT” to save your file to a selected location.

  1. Once you have clicked “Export” you will be prompted to save your file.


C. Upload to Toolbelt Web

The exporter will automatically open The Toolbelt Web webpage and prompt you to drag and drop your file into the drop window for upload.

  1. The exporter will automatically open both the file location as well as the Toolbelt Web upload URL. Drag and drop your exported file into the designated drop zone to upload your model.


D. Start Session

To begin session, click the blue icon.

  1. Your model will show up listed along side any other models you have uploaded. To begin session, click the blue icon to the right of the file name.

E. Enter User and Session names

Choose a username for yourself, a room name for the session and a color for your individual avatar and markups.

D. Collaborate!

Once in the session you can begin to explore your model and invite other users. The session URL in the browser can be shared with anyone to join this room.

  1. Room Name

  2. Attendees

  3. Settings - Adjust, brightness, saturation, sun angle and other visual settings.

4. Back - Return to previous screen

5. Measure Tool - Measure and record dimensions in 3d

6. Markup Tool - Markup and draw on surfaces for easy commenting and collaboration. Markups are created in 3d on surfaces and are visible to all attendees.

7. Move Tool - Select and move objects

8. Pointer Tool - Point in 3d space

9. Upload Additional Models - Upload additional models within session